Golden Hour LUT Pack


Included in this pack are 10 color grade presets that are strategically made for the Golden Hour shots

While these LUTs are designed to work with any footage, you will get the best results if your clips are shot slightly flat for better dynamic range (eg. Cine4 or SLOG on Sony cameras).

How to use:

When applying a LUT to your footage, turn the opacity/intensity of the LUT all the way down to 0% and then slowly start increasing it. You can stop increasing the opacity/intensity when you feel like you’ve gotten the desired result that you’re looking for.

If during this process, you feel like part of your image is starting to look too dark or bright, you can make a simple exposure adjustment on your footage to fix this. The same concept applies to white balance as well. If your image is looking too warm or cool, a simple white balance correction in your highlights will instantly fix this.

If you are unsure how to install LUTs into your video editing software, a simple YouTube search will solve all your problems. Simply type “how to install luts in ​your editing software​”.

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